How Does It Work?

real estate video step one

Set Up Your Channel. (one time)

Provide us with your business profile and keywords about your marketplace and specialties.
real estate video step two

Upload Your Photos.

Provide the photos you want to appear in your video and put them in order.
real estate video step three

Enter The Details.

Provide us with a description to record as your narration and give your video some keywords. Select your background music and check out.
real estate video step four

Check Out

Check out using our secure e-commerce system and that's it. We'll take care of the rest. New accounts take 2 to 3 business days to process.

Have Questions?

Need to know more? Want to see some examples of how our clients are getting results? Just email us at or call - We're here to help.
Make It Great! the easy way to edit photos

Upload photos at least 800 x 600 pixels in size. Need help with your photos? We recommend, it's a free and easy way to work; with photos.

Tell The Story
real estate listing video narration

Narration makes the difference! People retain much more of what they see and hear at the same time. No more boring slide shows! Create a real video commerical today. We'll make sure it gets everywhere it needs to go!

MLBroadcast Real Estate Video Directory MLBroadcast iTunes Sub Directory real estate video distribution mobile and web real estate video