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Teresa Boardman coins the phrase "Twitter On A Wall" to describe the cool interactive art exhibit in the lobby of the New York Times Building. :
A group of Inman Connect bloggers and geeks wander blocks away from the Marriott Marquis hotel to the New York Times building to attend the second of what was to become a long evening of gatherings centered around cocktails that evening. Upon entering the building you are presented with an uber cool multimedia art exhibit. Hanging from thin cables are mini monitors that display rows and columns of updated headlines in a feed. I'm a huge fan of all things design, particularly environmental graphics. As strange as this may sound, it was one of the highlights of the trip for me. (I am easily entertained and a really cheap date). It was aptly described by Teresa Boardman as "Twitter on a Wall". Damon, Rudy, Kris, Jay and I agreed that we would give this shaky little video clip that title with complete attribution to TB. Cheers! MP