Carnival of Real Estate Host Interviews

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The Carnival of Real Estate community is a fantastic forum for discovering the real issues in the trenches of the real estate industry and for meeting the people who can tell those stories from their own experience. In 2007, we're going to try and take that experience one step further -- each week, we'll call up the host of the carnival and get their opinion on that week's submissions to the CoRE and on trends in our industry. Those discussions will be included in this podcast. Visit for more information!

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Episodes - 23 displayed
Real Estate Blog Carnival, 80th Edition Hosted By Jim Cronin from The Real Estate Tomato
Fri, 07 Mar 2008 19:39:55 -0600
Mike Price from MLBroadcast.Com steps in to host the CoRE podcast interview for the 80th edition with Jim Cronin of The Real Estate Tomato. Jim talks about his company, his favorite blogs and the unusual theme he selected as the host of this week's CoRE.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 75th Edition Hosted By Drew Meyers from Zillow Blog
Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:39:10 -0600
Mike Price of MLBroadcast takes over as the CORE podcast interviewer to speak with Drew Meyers of ZillowBlog, host of the 75th edition of the Carnival of Real Estate. The discussion covers the history of CORE and Drew's picks for this milestone version of the Carnival.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 73rd Edition Hosted By Denny Oh from SanDiegOH.Com
Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:28:39 -0600
I spoke with Denny Oh this morning, who hosted the 73rd edition of the carnival at, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. Enjoy the conversation!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 70th Edition Hosted By John Wake from Arizona Real Estate Notebook
Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:25:36 -0600
I spoke with John Wake this afternoon, who hosted the 70th edition of the carnival at Arizona Real Estate Notebook, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. I hope you enjoy the conversation!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 65th Edition Hosted By Shailesh Ghimire from Arizona Mortgage Guru
Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:09:40 -0600
I spoke with Shailesh Ghimire, who hosted the 65th edition of the carnival at Arizona Mortgage Guru, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. In addition to touching on his selection criteria for which posts he chose to highlight, Shailesh and I talked a bit about using blogs and social media to market a business. Enjoy the conversation!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 62nd Edition Hosted By Benn Rosales from Agent Genius Blog
Fri, 19 Oct 2007 18:32:22 -0500
The latest CoRE Podcast is now posted. Benn Rosales from Single Pointe Realty was my latest guest. Benn hosted the 63rd edition of the carnival, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. I hope everyone enjoys the discussion!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 62nd Edition Hosted By Oliver Muoto from VFlyer Blog
Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:11:05 -0500
I spoke with Oliver Muoto from vFlyer, who hosted the 62th edition of the carnival, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. Oliver and I definitely have the same philosophy regarding the benefits of corporate blogging - educating people, marketing, and highlighting those using your product in innovative ways. Hope everyone enjoys the conversation!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 58th Edition Hosted By Danilo Bogdanovic from real/diaBlog
Sun, 23 Sep 2007 09:42:00 -0500
This afternoon, I had the chance to talk with Danilo Bogdanovic, who hosted the 58th edition of the carnival, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. MyBlogLog has certainly done a lot to humanize real estate blogging (and blogging in general), but there�s still nothing like actually speaking to someone. I always enjoy getting on the phone with a carnival host for a podcast, as it brings another human element to blogging that is often missed sitting behind a computer. Hope everyone enjoys the conversation!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 55th Edition Hosted By The Land Journal.Com
Mon, 27 Aug 2007 14:21:24 -0500
t�s been a couple weeks since the last CoRE podcast, but we got back on track this week. This afternoon, I had the pleasure of speaking with Allan Shannon from Lands of America, which hosted the 55th edition of the carnival at, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. I thought it was a great conversation, particularly Allan�s thoughts about rural vs metro real estate trends (towards the end of the podcast). Hopefully, you find some value in listening to the discussion. Note that my other office phone rang during the podcast, so I had to edit out a small piece in the middle - I don�t think it�s too choppy though.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 50th Edition Hosted By Sadie's Take on Delaware Real Estate
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:31:00 -0500
To say the 50th edition of the carnival was anything less than spectacular would be a travesty (28 comments speak volumes on their own). This morning, I had the pleasure of speaking with the man behind the curtain, Toby Boyce, for this week�s CoRE Podcast. I thoroughly enjoyed the 12-minute conversation � so hopefully, you find some value in listening to the discussion (or you can just listen to learn a bit more about Toby). I must say, it�s pretty cool we�re half way to the 100th edition. And, again, a huge thanks has to go to everyone that has supported the carnival � both hosting and submitting (and special thanks to those who have done both).

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 48th Edition Hosted By Altos Research Blog
Thu, 28 Jun 2007 12:05:40 -0500
This morning, I caught up with Michael Simonsen for this week�s CoRE Podcast. Michael hosted the 48th edition of the carnival at Altos Research Real Estate Insights. We touched on a variety of topics; business benefits of blogging, the Silicon Valley market, the �blogging about others� listings� debate, and photos. Hopefully everyone finds this chat as engaging as I did. Thanks Michael! Drew Meyers

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 46th Edition Hosted By Home Staging Rants and Raves
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 20:17:23 -0500
Colorful subjects, colorful posts. Appropriately, today's 46th edition of the Carnival of Real Estate uses a color theme this week when annointing the winners since Craig Schiller, host of the carnival, is a home stager in Chicago and the author/owner/stager of the Home Staging, Rants & Raves blog. Craig's biz is to "... professionally merchandise properties using style, scale, proportion, color, and flow to ultimately make a home "unforgettable" in the eyes of the buyer." Go take a look!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 45th Edition Hosted By Christian Real Estate Network Blog
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 20:02:13 -0500
This afternoon, I spoke with Justin Smith from the Christian Real Estate Network for the latest CoRE Podcast. He hosted the 45th edition of the carnival yesterday on his companies� blog. It was a great chat - Justin is certainly passionate about helping real estate professionals market themselves on line. Additionally, like most other bloggers I speak with, he enjoys the networking aspect of blogging. I hope everyone enjoys the conversation as much as I did!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 44th Edition Hosted By North Fulton County Real Estate blog
Mon, 04 Jun 2007 16:48:17 -0500
This morning, I caught up with Kevin Warmath, who hosted the 44th edition of the carnival last Tuesday, for the latest CoRE podcast. Due to hectic schedules last week, we didn�t have time to schedule a podcast until today. I�m very impressed with Kevin�s ability to attract clients from his blog � 2-3 phone calls a week from his blog is pretty impressive if you ask me. He purposely doesn�t write about industry issues so that he can focus entirely on consumer content, though this might be the reason much of the carnival�s real estate professional audience may have not come across his North Fulton County Real Estate blog yet. I enjoyed the chat. Hopefully, you do too. Thanks Kevin! ~Drew Meyers

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 43rd Edition Hosted By Homethinking
Fri, 25 May 2007 17:31:54 -0500
Homethinking made its maiden voyage today as host of the 43rd edition of the Carnival of Real Estate. Emerging as the most interesting posts of the week, according to Homethinking, are posts by Broker Bryant and Greg Swan at Bloodhound Blog, both taking on last week's 60 Minutes program about the real estate biz and specifically, Redfin. Head on over and take a look!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 38th Edition Hosted By Renthusiast.Org
Fri, 04 May 2007 13:50:09 -0500
Are you considering an offshore investment? If you have your eye on some overseas real estate, click on the podcast link to get to know Harvey Edgecombe -- the London real estate market is his specialty. Harvey recently hosted the 38th carnival of real estate on his blog, and that was also the first international appearance of the carnival. This call was recorded just over a week ago. If you follow real estate blogs, you'll probably know for its thoughtful analysis and its no-frills appearance. I enjoyed chatting with Harvey; he's a smart guy who calls it like it is and who is clearly ahead of the pack in the UK where real estate blogging is still scarce. Thanks, Harvey!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 37th Edition Hosted By The Phoneix Real Estate Guy
Fri, 04 May 2007 13:46:51 -0500
Jay Thompson: "I'm not typically a rule-breaker kind of a guy." By David Gibbons, Director, Community Relations Categories: Carnival of Real Estate , Real Estate Industry Jayt_2 That's my favorite quote from a very enjoyable discussion I had with Jay Thompson, who was my latest CoRE Podcasts guest. Jay hosted the 37th CoRE this week on his blog, The Phoenix Real Estate Guy. Yes, he did break the rules -- click the Podcast button below to find out why. It was great to meet Jay -- and fascinating to learn how he and Francy (Jay's wife and business partner) got into the business of selling land in AZ as an extension to their Phoenix residential real estate practice.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 36th Edition Hosted By NY Houses 4 Sale
Sat, 07 Apr 2007 14:20:06 -0500
When in New York, do what the New Yorkers do: Party! That's right, a dinner party theme was used to announce this week's winners of the 36th edition of the Carnival of Real Estate, posted on NY Houses 4 Sale by the hostess with the most-est, Christine Forgione. Thanks, Christine, for a delicious ride through this week's lineup, with the main course going to Greg Swann's post, Egoism in Action.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 35th Edition Hosted By miOakland County
Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:45:18 -0500
Maureen Francis specializes in premium real estate in Oakland County, Michigan and I was keen to get her opinion on the recent increase in for sale inventory in Detroit due to layoffs in the auto industry. Detroit real estate has made the news in recent weeks -- one Reuters headline declares; "Houses cheaper than cars in Detroit". I wanted to know if Maureen was seeing much of an impact on high-end homes in Detroit -- to find out what she said, listen to this week's CoRE podcast.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival, 34th Edtion, Hosted By Mike's Corner
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 13:06:17 -0500
Michael Price hosted the 34th Carnival of Real Estate last Monday and I caught up with Mike last week to chat about the carnival and his video listings business, ML Podcast. Click the link below to listen to meet Michael and hear our conversation -- Mike explains why your listings should be on iTunes and how to write a blog post about the sub-prime mortgage tragedy that stands out from the crowd.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival. 31st Edition. Hosted by The Real Estate Zebra.
Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:40:57 -0600
The 31st Carnival of Real Estate is hosted by Daniel Rothamel who blogs at the Real Estate Zebra. Daniel discusses Realtor recruiting, niche real estate markets, his passion for basketball and the Virginia real estate market. You�ll also learn how the Real Estate Zebra got its name.

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Real Estate Blog Carnival. 30th Edition. Hosted by the Pittsburgh Homes Daily.
Mon, 19 Feb 2007 14:42:33 -0600
The Carnival of Real Estate turns 30 today and is posted at Pittsburgh Homes Daily. This week's edition took a Valentine's flavor and handed out three awards -- the Dinner Out, Dozen Roses, and Box of Chocolates Awards. You'll have to take a look for yourself to discover the winners!

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Real Estate Blog Carnival. 28th Edition. Hosted by the Bloodhound Blog.
Fri, 16 Feb 2007 20:11:09 -0600
The Carnival of Real Estate is on the Bloodhound Blog, so we called Gregg Swann to chat about this week�s best blog posts in Real Estate. Greg denies learning anything new but he has a few opinions about the coming shakeout in the mortgage industry and the criteria for quality blogging, particularly about real estate. Zillow�s David Gibbons� wrote the winning carnival post this week and also interviews Greg on this podcast. And no, this week�s judging wasn�t rigged it was actually rather thorough as you�ll hear in Greg�s explanation of the team effort at Bloodhound.

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