Support Center

Our New Support Ticket System

We have instituted a new trouble ticket system. If you have a technical support issue, please click here and open a ticket.

Ordering Our Services.

Our ordering service is easy to use and only takes a few minutes. Please take the time to read the instructions for each field. Our credit card system is secure and takes, Discover, American Express, Master Card and Visa. We do not store or view credit card numbers as part of our ecommerce security process.

You must set up an account in order to have episodes processed. It is a one time charge ($49) and includes designing your iTunes album cover art and video screen clip. It also includes the submission of your site to our network of directories and search engines. Click here to get started. If you're a First American Title client and are working with the FastBroadcasting system, click here. Prudential California Realty Clients click here. Real Living clients, access the ordering system through the Real Living Business Center.

Lost Password?

Use this form to reset your password then return to the order page.

Preparing Photos For Your Video Production.

Minimum file size is 640 x 480 pixels. Optimum files are 800 x 600 and not larger than 2 mb in size. If you are familiar with resizing your photos, please do so before uploading. If you do not have photo editing software or do not know how to re-size a photo, visit It is a free and easy online program that will allow you to resize and save your photos.

Your Narration Script (Voice Over)

The description you provide us for your narration should be 60 to 90 seconds in spoken length. The order system will limit your input for this field to 1,000 characters (including spaces).

In most cases, MLS descriptions are not optimal for voice narrations. Use a descriptive flow with complete sentences as opposed to just a list of features. You can use the order of your photos as a reference to your narration, however, we can not guarantee that your narration is going to match to each photo. Using keywords such as the neighborhood and city names is a good idea and will help search engines that search audio pick up on your episode. A great resource for copy writing can be found at CopyBlogger.Com.

Adding Your Broadcast Channel or Videos To a Web Site

If you would like to add your complete broadcast channnel to your web site or blog, we've made it easy to do. E-mail to request instructions. To find the link to your individual videos, got to your broadcast in our directory, locate the individual episode in your broadcast and look for the "episode link" under the description. Right click and select, "copy shortcut". This will be the link directly to your episode.

Burning your Video to A CD or DVD

Go to your video in our directory. Launch the video and right click the "download video" button on the left. Select "save as" noting where you saved the file on your computer. It will have an extension of .mp4. You can burn this file directly to your CD or DVD.